FloraFloat® stops pollutants from entering our waters
Floating Wetlands have proven highly efficient for stormwater treatment applications. The installation of floating wetlands into inlet zones, retention ponds or lagoons greatly enhance the stormwater cleaning process in both average flow and storm events.
High performance in removing:
• Total suspended solids
• Nutrients
• Gross pollutants
• Heavy metals
• Fine colloidal and particulates
Floating Wetlands can be easily retrofitted to existing ponds, lakes, lagoons, rivers and even brackish water bodies. If a water body does not meet water quality standards, FloraFloat® is an efficient solution for water treatment.
Available land is limited in urban areas and land acquisition is a major cost component for stormwater treatment devices. Floating wetlands require no land and can be installed into inlet zones of stormwater drainage pipes. FloraFloat® is also a cost effective retrofit solution for existing assets.
FloraFloat® requires a low capital investment compared to conventional stormwater treatment systems as it can be retrofitted to existing assets without the need to buy land or build new ponds. Our Floating Wetland System requires no energy and has very low operating and maintenance costs compared to other systems.
Stormwater Treatment right at the source
at zero Land use
Floating Wetlands are efficient end-of-pipe solutions to treat stormwater before it enters our water ways. They can be installed as a barrier between stormwater outlet and receiving water body to remove nutrients and pollutants. That way, stormwater runoff can be treated in densely populated areas, where there is limited or no space available for conventional treatment devices. At the same time, Floating Wetlands beautify the urban landscape and improve the ecological functioning of urban waterways.
flooding and high flow velocities
for FLORAFLOAT® no problem
Floating Wetlands adapt to water level changes. A unique feature that saves time and money as no construction is needed for flood protection, sedimentation basins and flow velocity controls typically required for conventional constructed wetlands. FloraFloat® is designed to withstand even harshest conditions.
Tremendous biologically active surfaces
for interactions between plants, microbes and water
The highly porous foam glass gravel and plant roots create a large active surface area for the attachment of pollutant eating microbes and bacteria. In fact, the root surface area of Floating Wetlands is much larger than in conventional wetland systems. Consequently, Floating Wetlands treat stormwater at a smaller footprint which reduces capital costs and operational expenditure.
FloraFloat® does not require additional floatation such as hollow frames or pipes since the foam glass gravel floats itself. This has enormous benefits for stormwater treatment applications, since FloraFloat® has the densest root network resulting in great hydraulic retention and superb treatment performance.
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