Creating habitat above and Below water
How FLORAFLOAT® strengthens the vitality of waterways

Floating wetlands are highly productive and diversified habitats. They establish a broad mix of native plants and attract a wide range of wildlife. The continuous supply of water and nutrients provides ideal conditions for healthy plant development. FloraFloat® provides space and habitat to establish complex food chains up to predatory fish, birds and other wildlife. It is a natural and simple solution to tackle biodiversity loss and strengthen the vitality of our waters.
Strong and well established food chains are one of the most important factors for biodiversity and species conservation. The diverse plant communities in floating wetlands provide indispensable food source and habitat for a huge variety of organisms.
A broadly diversified root network develops beneath the floating wetland providing a unique habitat for insect larvae, fish and zooplankton among others. From bacterial biofilm to predatory fish, a complex food chain is established that provides a sustainable food base for the ecosystem.
Floating wetlands offer hiding places, food and undisturbed breeding grounds
The plant communities within floating wetlands offer diverse habitats for a range of organisms. Floating wetlands provide shelter, resting grounds and nesting space for birds, safe from human disturbances and predators. The flowering plants attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, dragonflies and flower beetles. Flora Float improves the ecological functioning of our waters and also serve as ‘stepping stones’ to connect habitats and food-webs.

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